Looking for a new way to give back in 2024? Join CASA Staff to learn about becoming a volunteer child advocate! We'll share about the volunteer role and our upcoming Winter Advocate Training. Register at https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArcOmtqDMoHtJTvfDtM8a6jSJGmb8S7ocq?fbclid=IwAR1_1XhfGMIaC20Z-EUw3OZ49T0p0oY0IBFhpynUADpaRyuAg5FoA_iokgo#/registration. Winter Training is Thursdays, Jan. 25-Feb. 29 from 5-8 PM at the CASA Office in Sycamore. You can learn more and apply at casadekalb.org/volunteer-info.